Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Micah's 1st Real "Strumming Song"

Micah is such a great finger picking guitarist, but we thought he needed to learn some good chord strumming songs to give him a little bit of variety. He listened to a few different songs and in the end chose Deep Blue Something's "Breakfast at Tiffany's" for his first strumming song.

He got the chords down pretty easily. They are pretty easy compared to what he is usually finger picking on guitar. The tricky part was learning how fast or in what rhythm to actually strum the chords or how often.

He got that down, and then it was a matter of learning the words and how to move around a bit.

Now, Micah isn't much of a wild playing guitarist, but he is slowly learning how to show some more emotion when he plays.

Once we got his new guitar amp and microphone, he was ready to jam!

Here he is performing "Breakfast at Tiffany's":

Monday, July 11, 2011

When the Children Cry

Micah is quite the finger picking guitarist. He seems to do it so naturally. He does it so well and can even sing along with it. The only problem was that you often could not hear him sing over his guitar. So, we saved up and went out to buy a better guitar amp and a microphone stand so he could be heard.

Here he is performing White Lion's "When the Children Cry". Now if anyone know who White Lion is from the late 80's-early 90's, you might be thinking, "Woh, that's a heavy metal band!" Well, you'd be correct, but this actually is a very pretty slower acoustic song they did.